Elena Čániová →  elena.caniova@gmail.com

Venujem sa vizuálnemu umeniu, grafickému dizajnu, ilustrácii, výstavníctvu. (Srdce jasá nad formou a hlava nad  nápadom.)
My portfolio includes graphic design, illustration and exhibition design. (The heart loves form and the brain loves concepts.)​​​​​​​

Ateliér 2V1 Dvavjendom 
2018   Present 
 Art & Design Teacher
Secondary School of Applied Arts, Kosice
 Graphic Design Intern
Atelier Markgraph, exhibition design agency
Frankfurt, Germany · 2017 
 Exhibition Design Intern
Northern Light Creative Design Agency
Amsterdam, Netherlands · 2017
 Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia
Visual communication 2010   2016
Art Pedagogy  2014   2016

 Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Germany
Exchange study · 2015
 FH Joanneum, Graz, Austria
Exchange study · 2013
Between Arts and Design.
Between what is and what will be. 
Between being and doing...
comfortably sitting between 
the Worlds of Creative Universe.
Na pomedzí umení a dizajnu.
Na pomedzí toho, čo je a čo ešte len bude... sediac na pomedzí Kreatívnych Svetov.
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